Carbohydrate Microarray Facility for the New Era of Glycomics

Congratulations to a team of MDR researchers who have received a new £1.34M (over for four years) Wellcome Trust grant. The grant will provide support for the Carbohydrate Microarray Facility as a cross-faculty collaboration between the Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction and the Department of Chemistry.

The cross-faculty collaboration is led by PI Dr Yan Liu, and includes CoIs  Prof Ten Feizi, Prof Phillip Bennett and Dr Wengang Chai, as well as the Department of Chemistry’s  Dr Benjamin Schumann.

The grant will provide continued support for this unique resource for the broad scientific community for discoveries of glycan ligands involved in health, infections, inflammation, immune responses and cancer. With the new links with clinical research, and the new themes of synthetic chemistry and bioinformatics, it is anticipated that the Facility will be driving the integration of glycomics research into biology and medicine in the post-genome era.

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