Essential information about the new Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction

Welcome to the new Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction!

Below you will find some essential information about the new Department, as well as details about administrative systems and support.


As a new Department, it is extremely important that we talk about and promote it as clearly and consistently as possible. It will take time to build the profile of the Department but consistently will help speed the process along. To support you, we have created MDR Style and Communications Guidelines containing boilerplate descriptions for the Department, Divisions and key areas of work. Where possible, please follow these recommended style and communications guidelines, as they will lead to engaging and credible communications.

Please make sure that all your email signatures, twitter profiles, LinkedIn profiles and other public facing references to your place of employment are updated to the Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction.


As a newly formed Department, we are still filling and confirming several roles. During this transition period, we ask for your patience and support. Contact information for the positions that have been filled can be found on the website. Where a position is still vacant, we will try to cover the role within the Department or by support from the Faculty. We would also ask you to support your colleagues during this period – if you can help, even if the job normally isn’t yours, then please do.



You will have been emailed detailed updates about the progress of the systems updates. For information on the timeline of when ICT estimate remaining key ICIS modules will be available to the Faculty of Medicine for normal service (HR, Finance, Grants (Oracle), Purchasing (iProcurement)), please read the latest updates on the FoM Reorganisation Sharepoint site.



The Department’s new Finance Officer is Benjamin Bernard. You can also continue to direct financial enquiries to Division and Section managers.



Please ensure that your PWP is up to date. These pages represent you and your work in the Department and are often the first thing funders, collaborators and future students will find when they Google your name and research. As such, it is crucial that they contain the most up to date information about your work and research. Please read this article on activating and editing your PWP.

It is essential that all our academic staff (and most PTO staff) have PWP pages that contain correct, up to date and engaging information about their work and research. This includes:

  • Groups, studies, projects and research you are working on.
  • All publications you have been involved in (this is pulled through Sypmlectic, which must also be updated regularly).
  • A list of key publications that you would like to highlight to potential funders and other interested groups – under ‘Selected Publications’.
  • Up to date list of honours, memberships and awards.
  • Personal or group social media channels where relevant.

We live in the era of personal branding, and your PWP is a fundamental part of that. Here are 10 essential tips for creating a great PWP and developing a ‘personal brand’.

There’s no such thing as an ideal PWP – we’re all unique after all. However, here are a few, diverse examples of PWPs that do certain things very well.



The new MDR website is now live! Thanks to all those who helped reach this point.

Though the site is now live, we are still in a transition period of realigning content under the new Departments. As such, certain areas and information on the site may not have been fully completed yet.

We would appreciate your support in getting the site 100% finished. When navigating the site, please look out for any references to old Departments, typos or broken links. If you notice any, please contact Benjie and he will make the relevant changes.

Certain research information, group pages and academics may also be missing from the new Division and Section pages. However, do not worry! Content from the old websites has been archived and can easily be added to the new site. If you feel that this may be the case for any of your work, please contact Benjie to discuss.



A regular MDR Newsletter will be circulated to all members of the Department once a month. This will contain the latest news, blogs, awards, opportunities and events from the Department. Please contact Benjie if you have any content you would like to be included.

We also have an MDR Staff Blog for internal stories, updates, awards and events. Again, please contact Benjie if you have any content you think should be included.


Social Media

The MDR has a new twitter account for all the Department’s latest news, opportunities and events @ImperialMDR. Please follow the account, share our content, reference our handle in your own twitter profile and share it with your colleagues and networks.


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