Systems closure during re-organisation transition period

Due to cost centre changes for some Depts and some PIs, any existing grant/funding transactions which are in flight without final approval may not appear in the new “organisation” code when the changes have been made, therefore existing proposals MUST be fully approved by COB 23 July. This relates to POs, journals, staff requests, expenses etc, hence you will need inform the approver(s) in the approval hierarchy of any transactions awaiting their approval. If you have a grant deadline between 24 July – 5 August, you are encouraged to contact your Section Manager as soon as possible.

InfoEd will be unavailable from Wednesday 24 July – Monday 5 August (inclusive) and existing proposals MUST be fully approved by COB 23 July

Existing InfoEd proposals – which have not been fully approved by each Dept and the JRO, MUST be fully approved by COB 23th July.

Any new InfoEd proposals created and/or submitted after this date MUST also be approved right through the route before the systems go down at the end of the month.

Failure to do so will mean the proposal will be returned to Draft, the PI will need to be changed to the new dept version on the dropdown list, the recovery will be reset to before any changes were made and the proposal will have to be reapproved through the new approval structure for that dept.  This could be problematic for funder deadlines in early August.

Please find a list of the deadlines we are aware of during this period – this will not be a complete list, there will be others:

MRC Biomedical Catalyst: Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme (DPFS) outline: Jul 2019 24/07/2019
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research 24/07/2019
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme (RfPB) 24/07/2019
CRUK AACR-CRUK Transatlantic Fellowship – prelim 25/07/2019
EPSRC Hubs for Mathematical Sciences in Healthcare 25/07/2019
Wellcome Investigator Awards in Science 25/07/2019
Wellcome Collaborative Awards in Science 25/07/2019
Wellcome Senior Research Fellowships 25/07/2019
BBSRC LOLA 30/07/2019
BHF Clinical Study Grants 31/07/2019
Innovate UK Artificial intelligence-supported early fracture diagnosis: SBRI competition 31/07/2019
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) EME Calls 31/07/2019
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) HTA Calls 31/07/2019
Rosetrees Trust Rosetrees Trust Project Grants 31/07/2019
Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Cancer Research UK Multidisciplinary Project Award 01/08/2019
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) JDRF Strategic Research Agreements 01/08/2019
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) JDRF Validation of T Cell Biomarkers and Assays for T1D 01/08/2019
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) JDRF Therapeutic Development and Clinical Testing of Immune Therapies for Type 1 Diabetes

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