National Postdoc Appreciation week: Dr Abigail Ackerman

For National Postdoc Appreciation week, some of our postdocs share their journey into research and advice for those thinking of a career in academia. Abigail is a Research Associate, with a particular focus on Corrosion Metallurgy.

An image of Abigail Ackerman

What led you to postdoc research?

I was drawn to postdoc research as I felt there were many more things I wanted to pursue in academia and science. The possibilities are endless and you have a wide range of control over what you choose to research.
What do you enjoy about your current research?
I enjoy using my own experiences to help students further their research and getting to be involved in multiple projects at once. I also think that the people at Imperial are incredibly supportive and make it a really pleasant working environment.
What has been the highlight of your academic journey so far?
The highlight of my academic journey so far has been getting the opportunity to be invited to give talks and getting to become more independent.
What advice would you give to those who are considering a career in academia?
I would say seize every opportunity that is presented to you! Some will be fun, some will be hard, but all will give you experience and growth as an academic, and as a person.

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