Emre Yavuz, Taught Postgraduate, Department of Brain Sciences

“Working with my peers to overcome the inevitable challenges we have faced during the pandemic has made my student experience the best it could be.”   

I recently graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a BSc in Neuroscience and started my Master’s degree in Translational Neuroscience in the autumn. I am fascinated by several areas of neuroscience, including psychedelics and dementia care, and technology. I hope to carry out my Master’s thesis in psychedelic research, and I aspire to continue my studies with a PhD in this field. One of my life goals is to combine science and technology to massively improve the quality of life of those suffering from debilitating neurological diseases.    

I have many hobbies including playing the cello, photography, jogging, going to art galleries, and cooking. Now I’m back home in London, I’ve loved introducing the new friends-for-life I’ve made at Imperial (on socially distanced walks with takeaway lattes) to London’s hidden charms including Coal Drop’s Yard and Holland Park’s Kyoto Gardens, which I hope to continue doing post-lockdown.    

With everything currently being online, I seized every opportunity to develop my skills and take on new challenges using online platforms like LinkedIn. Most memorably, I participated in a Hackathon run by Imperial College Business School, where I helped develop an idea for an app using gait analysis to help tackle dementia. I received outstanding coaching from the Imperial Enterprise Lab and the Business School. 

I have also joined the subcommittee of Imperial’s MedTech society, where I organise talks by guest speakers on how technology can massively aid scientific research and clinical practice. I also became a volunteer with What the Tech?!, an Imperial student-run organisation aimed at local residents over 50, where taught residents how to use technology over zoom.    

Working with my peers to overcome the inevitable challenges we have faced during the pandemic has made my student experience the best it could be. Completing my MSc during the pandemic hasn’t been without difficulties. Luckily, being a class representative has allowed me to develop strong bonds with my peers, and working together to overcome our challenges (including internet connectivity issues) and achieve our goals brings me the greatest joy! 

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