Hans Chan, Undergraduate, BSc Chemistry

“Imperial is more than just an academic institution – there is a culture of facilitating innovation and helping students to implement and execute great ideas, which you might not find in a pure research environment.”

Since starting my Chemistry degree at Imperial, I have been involved in a variety of things – from being a part of the Robotics and Drone society, to getting involved in tech entrepreneurship competitions hosted by the College.

The College has incredible resources, which enable both students and staff to carry out ground-breaking work in both natural sciences and engineering. At Imperial, there is a celebratory feel in the air whenever something new is created, and this is an environment I enjoy being part of. Imperial is more than just an academic institution – there is a culture of facilitating innovation and helping students to implement and execute great ideas, which you might not find in a pure research environment.

However, I do think most important of all is the variety of exceptional people at Imperial.

Winning the FoNS MAD competition with my colleagues and then creating a startup company from that is definitely the highlight of my time at Imperial, and the coolest thing I have been involved in over the last couple of years. It was an incredible journey, starting from just a vision, then communicating it to get funding, using said funding to develop the substance of the idea, and finally taking that to a viable business.

Our startup, Matoha Ultrascience, is trying to solve the important problem of plastic waste processing. Personally, I am also interested in solving important problems in the field of chemistry using novel computational technology, which will be the focus of my research in my upcoming master’s final year research. I am actively seeking full PhD funding for international students, so I can carry on tackling important problems and executing novel solutions at Imperial.

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