David Gordon, Mobile Supervisor, Security Services

“From providing security advice, to stopping bike thieves and giving CPR to save someone’s life on campus – I love the work I do.”

Before joining Imperial, I worked in the Home Office for 13 years in a variety of roles, the last being working on the Cutter Fleet – this involved boarding vessels out at sea and looking for drugs, firearms and other prohibited items.

I joined Imperial in 2015 as a Senior Security Officer. My current role as a Mobile Supervisor focuses on overseeing security operations at all Imperial’s campuses, and I share responsibility for 114 members of staff. I am fortunate that I get to work across all campuses, and enjoy meeting and engaging with all our stakeholders.

Working for Imperial is completely different to working for the Government. The support and encouragement I have received from all levels, from directors through to my line manager, is something I have never experienced before. I feel like a valued member of the team, and the training we receive in security is of the highest standard. As a team, we are always looking for ways to improve the service we provide.

I enjoy working in Security Services as no two days are ever the same. From providing security advice, protecting our campuses during patrols, to stopping a bike thief or most recently, giving CPR and saving someone’s life on campus, I love the work I do.

It was a big step to leave what I knew in the Home Office, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I regret leaving my previous role to join Imperial, and I’m thankful for the opportunities that working here has offered me.

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