Pooya Hoseinpoori, Research Postgraduate, Centre for Environmental Policy

“I am developing a framework to compare different low-carbon pathways for domestic and industrial heating services.”

I was born and raised in Ahvaz, Iran, and left home at the age of 18 to study – this was the beginning of a long journey for me. I received my BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the KN Toosi University of Technology in Tehran, and then attained my MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy and RWTH Aachen University in Germany. I joined Imperial as a PhD student in the summer of 2017. Living, working and studying in different places has shaped me into a more independent and adaptable researcher. At the same time, being part of a diverse academic community has made me appreciate broader opinions and expertise.

My research at Imperial focuses on energy transitions and decarbonising heat in the UK. The recent ambitious net-zero 2050 targets for the UK requires deep decarbonisation of the energy sector. I am developing a framework to compare different low-carbon pathways for domestic and industrial heating services. The focus on heat is really important, as more than 44 per cent of the final energy demand in the UK is used for different heating applications – and it accounts for more than 30 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. There is a particular interest in the cost of decarbonisation of heat and its impact on demand for resources, as these are critical factors for policy makers. I do really like research, and I feel motivated when I see that our work may have an impact on policy-making.

The research environment at Imperial is very dynamic and since I have been here, I have gained practical skills and expanded my professional network through collaborative research and interactions with multi-disciplinary experts, which will help my future career.

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