Louise Green, Undergraduate Office Manager, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

I came to Imperial in 1987 following a stint as a manager in the hospitality industry. I knew from the first day that I liked it here. In my first two years I worked in the central admissions office and then moved to my current role in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

I now run the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s undergraduate office, as well as being Admissions Tutor and Disability Liaison Officer. It’s a pleasure being part of Imperial, which educates some of the brightest minds from across the globe. The best thing about my job, without a doubt, is the students. It’s very rewarding to see the achievements of our graduates.

The undergraduate office is always busy and we never know what the day will bring, which is another aspect of the job that I really enjoy. Students are always coming in with a variety of questions and problems but there isn’t much that myself and my team can’t answer.

When I think back to those early days without computers (!!), the Faculty Building, the Sir Alexander Fleming building and much more, I can’t believe how much the College has changed. One thing that hasn’t changed is that my role is still about supporting our students to enable them to reach their full potential. It is a privilege and extremely fulfilling.

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