Patricia Watson, Student Advice and Accommodation Centre Hub Adviser, Campus Services

Patricia talks with a student in the careers hub

Patricia has been at Imperial for 25 years and recently won the WOW! Award for Customer Experience Professional of the Year – a national award scheme based on nominations by students

“I enjoy my role because it has evolved dramatically; there is an increasing need for specialist support, for example accommodating students with medical and wellbeing needs, which I provide. My job is incredibly diverse: in one day I could house a homeless student in halls; support a student who has been assaulted; address a large group of prospective students within an academic department; or help students access relevant teams within Registry.

“It was amazing to win the WOW award. I have a wonderful team around me who are exceptionally supportive, and all go the extra mile if someone needs that extra help.”

Patricia receives her WOW award.

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