Connect to Succeed

As we get closer and closer to graduation, we look forward to taking a step into the real world and work either for corporations or starting our own venture in order to reach our potential. Judging by the society we live in, connections have a great impact on our future. Events managed and produced by the GSU give such opportunities to students, allowing them to expand their horizons. One such event was the GSU connect 2019 initiative.

The event offered students the opportunity to enjoy the cross disciplinary collaboration with other students, allowing for students to benefit from different skills and expertise. The event saw 60 students from diverse backgrounds, participating in the competition. Though GSU Connect has traditionally been a networking event, this year the committee had added a twist. Students had the opportunity to present a pitch to a panel of judges as well as the audience and the winning team to win £1,000 pounds in cash. The event ran for 2 days, one exclusively to allow students to connect with peers in a professional environment and the second to allow the teams to pitch their ideas to their selective audience and judges. The panel of judges included Mr. Anouar Adham Founder of Elite Crowdfunding Ltd., Elite Assets International and Elite IRP/ Assets and Wealth Management Expert, Ms. Anca Enica Co-founder of Legacy Venture, Mr. Matthieu Burnand Manager of Solar Energy startup, MBA at INSEAD, Mr. Robert Benson an Active investor in startup businesses, Founder of Arete Consulting and Mr. William Makant. In this year’s competition, two teams had the opportunity to take home £500 each by presenting an idea that could wow the panel and the audience. This year, the winning team had a unique idea, to develop a sustainable autonomous vertical farming system based on the aeroponics technology by using a technique in AI called Reinforcement Learning. This would allow scalability for vertical farming system, as the AI can learn and adapt in any given environment given enough training. The idea won both the award from the esteemed judges as well as the audience, proving to the world just how bright the minds of the future are.

Though next year’s event will focus solely on building connections and networking, we look forward to receiving both your feedback and any suggestions on improvement. The GSU thanks it’s participants for making this event as successful as it could have been and we look forward to seeing you all again at our future events. Keep an eye out on our social media channels to get updates and information on our exciting upcoming events.

We would like to thanks the Graduate School and the Research Community Fund for their financial support and for enabling this event to take place.

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