Cross-CDT PhDs @ Reunion

On Friday, 10th of May the third event of the Cross-CDT series took place. The students from five different CDTs gathered at the Union bar to catch up with people from their own cohort as well as with people from other CDTs and cohort years that they got to know at the other events. In total more than 20 students from different CDTs joined for this event in the course of the evening and had a great time together.

It was a great opportunity for friends who have not seen eachother in a long time to socialise and grab a drink together. At the beginning of our PhD program, all of PhD students were working together in an open office area. However, since now everybody is spread out in a different building and even different campuses (White City and South Kensington), it is very rewarding to meet up from time to time and to have a chat about how the PhD projects are going, to what cool conference some people already went or which internships they have done and to exchange also thoughts and advice that we have accumulated over the time. The Union bar was the perfect choice for such and event, since it is close to all of our offices and easy to convince people to join for a after work drink on a Friday.

Overall it was a great event that was appreciated by all the people involved. Everybody is looking forward to the next event. A thanks goes to the Graduate School of Imperial College London which financially supported this cohort building activity.






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