Geotechnics Bowling

On the 29th of March 2019 we made our way to the nearby bowling place in Bayswater for a Geotechnics Section-bowling night. After a nice group walk through Hyde Park we all gathered at the bowling alley at 18:00. Thanks to the great turnout of 26 people, we took over five of the lanes and played two hours of bowling – some more competitively than others. A few people tried bowling for the first time in their life and ended up getting one strike after the other, so there were many great celebration dances to be seen. While waiting for our next turn and cheering our teammates on, there was a large selection of burgers and other finger foods for everyone to enjoy.

Since bowling in London is quite expensive, this event would not have taken place at all without the support from the Graduate School’s Research Community Fund. We are therefore very grateful that we got the chance to spend such an enjoyable evening together as a Section.

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