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Postgraduate Graduation Ceremonies 2012 – Graduation archive
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Postgraduate Graduation Ceremonies 2012

On Wednesday 9 May 2012, more than 2,500 postgraduate students and guests from over 65 countries took part in Imperial College London’s 2012 Postgraduate Graduation Ceremonies at the Royal Albert Hall.


Morning ceremony



Download the morning ceremony

Please right-click and select “save target as…”


Afternoon ceremony



Download the afternoon ceremony

Please right-click and select “save target as…”

Photos from the ceremonies

[flickr album=72157629636011544 num=40 size=Square]

11 comments for “Postgraduate Graduation Ceremonies 2012

  1. Hello there! How can I order a DVD for postgraduate graduation ceremony 2012?

  2. Dear Ai Lan

    We won’t be producing a DVD but the recording will be available for download in the next day or two. I hope you enjoyed the day.

  3. Hi there, there seems to be a problem with the video download link for the afternoon ceremony.

  4. I’ve just amended the video download link for the afternoon ceremony so it should work now – let us know if you have any further problems.

  5. Hi I have downloaded the afternoon ceremony and I cannot get the sound to work, is there still a problem?

  6. I can’t download the afternoon video even when i right clicked no “save target as…”
    please help…

  7. Hi

    We attended the evening ceremony on 24th October but cannot see the performance
    on video whill this ceremony be available. It is the 5.30 one

    Thank you Mrs Rowland

  8. Down loaded the afternoon ceremony FINAL ok, but the cut does not show the last batch of people from the stalls, this includes my daughter.

    Interesting – the dates for the previous comments are before the ceremony !!!

  9. when the ceremony site will be open on Post-Graduation 2013?
    Rita Calamita

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