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Postgraduate Awards Ceremonies 2011 – Graduation archive
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Postgraduate Awards Ceremonies 2011

In the largest graduation ceremony for postgraduates in the College’s history, more than 2,000 science, engineering, medicine and business graduands from 52 countries were awarded their degrees, watched by some 4,500 guests.

Click on the image below to see more photos of the day and download the film of the ceremonies:


Graduation film

If the video does not display, click here to download the file

Morning ceremony

Afternoon ceremony


Download the video as a ZIP file
Download the video as a MP4 (click the right mouse button and select “Save target as…”)
Download the morning ceremony (click the right mouse button and select “Save target as…”)
Download the afternoon ceremony (click the right mouse button and select “Save target as…”)

Photos from the ceremonies

Awesome Flickr Gallery Error - Invalid API Key (Key has invalid format)

11 comments for “Postgraduate Awards Ceremonies 2011

  1. I downloaded the film but only first 40 min work, then it freezes 🙁 I’m in the afternoon ceremony so cannot access it at all in the file

  2. Hello,

    I was one of the MSc students from the May 4th pm Postgraduate Awards Ceremony and was having a look at the film posted on the website.
    The film/file is corrupted as it shows the same frame/image from about minute 40:10.
    The same issue is present on the downloadable file.
    Is there any chance of fixing the issue as I reckon most students would appreciate the possibility of “spotting” themselves too rather than just the first lucky ones in the first 40 minutes?

    Despite this tiny hiccup, the website looks great and it is wonderful that you give the possibility to access the material at no cost!

    Many thanks and best regards.


  3. There is a glitch with the downloading of the video. It appears to download correctly but will only actually play until about the 40 minute mark. Could you please upload it again or post it onto Youtube? Thanks.

  4. Dear Sir,

    I have downloaded the Postgraduate Awards Ceremony 2011 video via the link above 3 times, and each time have discovered that the video only plays until 40:16 and not beyond that.

    Please help rectify the problem and kindly inform me once it has been fixed.

    Kind regards,

    Kevin Koh
    PhD 2011, Imperial College London

  5. Thanks for providing a download link to the video, but please could you check that the file is not corrupted? There seems to be an error at 40m16s. Many thanks!

  6. Dear all,

    thank you very much for your comments.
    I am sorry to hear that you struggled with downloading the file. Indeed I can confirm that there is a problem with the server and downloading files above a certain size. For the meantime I suggest watching it with a Flash supoorting device using the player above, as this allows proper streaming. In the meantime we are working on a solution and hope to have this fixed very soon. Please check again in a couple of days as I will update this post once a solution has been found. For now, I have removed the direct download link.

    …And here is the solution:
    Download the video as a ZIP file
    Download the video as a MP4 (Click the right mouse button and select “Save target as…”)

    Big thanks to the Student Union for hosting the files!

    Best wishes,
    Karsten Seipp

  7. ‘Recession’ is wrong! Surely it should have been ‘Recess’ meaning a break, an intermission etc; the brochure also has the same mistake.

    The photo and video effort is very laudable; keep it up. Instead of free downloads, you could produce DVDs for sale at a nominal charge in the Union shop; I’m sure they would be very popular and sell like hot cakes (eg. as they do for the RI Lectures).

  8. In response to Dr Bhatta:

    Thank you for your feedback, we’re really pleased you like the graduation pictures.

    Regarding your comments, recession is the correct term as it refers to the departing procession rather than a break in the proceedings. We have previously sold DVDs to the guests and graduates attending the graduation ceremonies, but the take-up was rather low. We prefer to offer the recording to everybody free of charge, that way all graduates and guests can benefit from it.

    I hope you enjoyed the day.

    Amanda Cerny, Graduation Team

  9. In reply to Amanda Cerny:
    In that case I stand corrected! Maybe I got misled by the fact that the video was in one long piece implying the morning and afternoon ceremonies were the two halves of the same. I get it now; it’s procession vs recession! We love Imperial and thoroughly enjoyed the day, and will have fond memories.

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