A new Imperial blog entitled ‘NeurOn Topic: Learning and Teaching’ has launched this week.
The founder and editor of the blog is Dr Stefano Sandrone, Teaching Fellow within the Faculty of Medicine, and the contributors are Imperial’s MSc Translational Neuroscience students.
The key aims of this new blog are to enhance the curriculum, innovate pedagogy and inspire society.
With questions submitted by current Master’s students, the first blog post features an interview with Dr Magdalena Skipper, former Imperial alumna and new Editor-in-Chief of Nature. She is the first female Editor-in-Chief over the last 149 years and started her new role at the beginning of July.
Some of the topics that will be covered in future blog posts include the relationship between brain science and spirituality, the neuroscience behind the ‘perfect’ morning cup of coffee, and the neuroscience of revision. There will be also space for notes on the cognitive changes in depression and on the neurological aspect of HIV, as well as on the important role the anterior part of our brain plays in learning and cognition.
Furthermore, other interviews with special guests have already been planned.
Stay tuned! Visit the blog at: https://blogs-staging.imperial.ac.uk/neuron-topic/