Before the launch of the new Faculty of Medicine structure on 1 August 2019, we reflect on a decade of successes in the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London.
This overview captures just a small number of the countless contributions of our staff and students over the years. We would like to thank all members of the Department, past and present, their immeasurable hard work, friendship and support.
In this overview:
- Teaching
- President’s Awards and Medals
- Athena SWAN
- Mental Health First Aiders
- Academy of Medical Sciences and Royal Society Fellows
- Overall research grants and contracts income
- Notable awards and facilities funding
- Centres and networks
- Donations and endowments
- Senior Fellowships
- Early Career Fellowships
- Horizon 2020 awards
The Department has made significant contributions to teaching within the College over the years and has remained steadfast in its commitment to educating the next generation of leaders in medicine.
- Since 2009, the Department has contributed to teaching the combined 7,000+ students who have successfully graduated from Medicine (MBBS) and Intercalated BSc programmes.
- Over 1,000 postgraduate taught students have graduated from Department of Medicine programmes since 2010.
- 690 postgraduate research students have successfully obtained PhDs in the Department of Medicine since October 2009.
President’s Awards and Medals
Over the years, staff in the Department have received a total of 14 President’s Awards for Excellence and Medals. The awards are designed to recognise individuals and teams who have made outstanding contributions to the College’s mission in a range of categories.
The annual prize-giving also incorporates the Julia Higgins Medal and Awards, which recognise individuals, groups, and departments that have made a significant contribution to the support of academic women at the College. Two members of staff in the Department – Dr Vicky Salem and Dr Stefano Sandrone – received Julia Higgins Awards in 2015 and 2019 respectively.
Year | Recipient | Award/Medal |
2015 | Dr Bob Boyle | President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching |
Dr Jane Saffell | President’s Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching Excellence | |
Dr Amir Sam | President’s Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching Excellence | |
Dr Sharon Taylor | President’s Medal for Excellence in Pastoral Care | |
Professor Beate Kampfmann | President’s Medal for Excellence in Research Supervision | |
Dr Vicky Salem | Julia Higgins Award | |
2016 | Dr Chrystalla Orphanides | President’s Award for Research Support Excellence |
2018 | Juliet Allibone | Highly Commended – Leadership Award for Societal Engagement |
Fran Husson | The Inspirational Partner Award for Societal Engagement | |
Dr Wayne Mitchell | President’s Medal for Supporting the Student Experience | |
Dhillo Research Group | President’s Medal for Outstanding Research Team | |
2019 | Jaxom Champion | President’s Award for Research Support Excellence |
Paediatric Infectious Diseases Team | President’s Medal for Outstanding Research Team | |
Dr Sophie Rutschmann
President’s Award for Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience | |
Margaret Collett | President’s Award for Excellence in Culture and Community Collaboration and Communication | |
Dr Stefano Sandrone | Julia Higgins Award |
Athena SWAN
Imperial College signed up to the Athena SWAN Charter in 2005. The Charter recognises a commitment to monitor and address gender inequality in higher education across both academic and professional support careers.
As a result of work undertaken by the Development and Opportunities Committee (DOC) and the Athena Self-Assessment Team (SAT), the Department of Medicine achieved a Departmental Bronze Award in 2012, followed by a Silver Award in 2014. The Department successfully applied to renew its Silver Award in April 2018. Read about the five ways the Department has worked to combat inequality in the workplace over the years.
Mental Health First Aiders
A total of 26 members of staff in the Department have now been successfully certified as Mental Health First Aiders. The programme is licenced by MHFA England and accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health. The College’s growing network of Mental Health First Aiders provides vital first-line support for staff and students.
Academy of Medical Sciences and Royal Society Fellows
- The Department is currently home to 30 Academy of Medical Sciences Fellows. The Fellowship honours medical scientists for the excellence of their science, their contribution to medicine and society and the range of their achievements.
- Also, six researchers have been made Fellows of the Royal Society during their time in the Department of Medicine. Fellowship of the Royal Society is a prestigious lifetime award granted to individuals that the Royal Society of London judges to have made a “substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge.”
- Professor Rino Rappuoli
- Professor Stephen Bloom
- Professor David Holden
- Professor Philip Ingham
- Professor Elizabeth Simpson
- Professor Charles Bangham
Overall research grants and contracts income
The table below contains information pulled from the College Statistics Guide from 1 August 2009 until the most recently published report (2017-18) which contains data gathered up to 31 July 2017. Statistics guides are published at the end of every summer by the College’s Strategic Planning Division and incorporate data for the previous financial year. All figures have been rounded.
Financial Year | Research councils | UK charities | UK government health auths. | UK industry | EU and overseas industry | European Commission | Other | Total |
2009-10 | £15,365,000 | £19,494,000 | £11,855,000 | £1,424,000 | £2,329,000 | £1,910,000 | £8,083,000 | £60,460,000 |
2010-11 | £12,140,000 | £19,477,000 | £12,696,000 | £1,634,000 | £2,048,000 | £2,364,000 | £6,142,000 | £56,502,000 |
2011-12 | £13,507,000 | £20,175,000 | £15,618,000 | £1,386,000 | £2,060,000 | £3,136,000 | £5,421,000 | £61,303,000 |
2012-13 | £10,030,000 | £20,427,000 | £13,929,000 | £1,896,000 | £1,185,000 | £3,990,000 | £4,698,000 | £56,156,000 |
2013-14 | £13,842,000 | £20,097,000 | £16,635,000 | £2,151,000 | £1,209,000 | £4,545,000 | £5,167,000 | £63,647,000 |
2014-15 | £16,332,000 | £21,071,000 | £17,235,000 | £2,229,000 | £2,353,000 | £3,915,000 | £4,796,000 | £67,931,000 |
2015-16 | £17,700,000 | £20,882,000 | £11,640,000 | £2,249,000 | £1,321,000 | £3,969,000 | £5,738,000 | £63,500,000 |
2016-17 | £17,485,000 | £21,144,000 | £8,875,000 | £1,471,000 | £1,641,000 | £5,422,000 | £5,562,000 | £61,601,000 |
Grand total | £116,401,000 | £162,767,000 | £108,483,000 | £14,440,000 | £14,146,000 | £29,251,000 | £45,607,000 | £491,100,000 |
Notable awards and facilities funding
Key strategic awards
- Wellcome 4is PhD Programme
- Wellcome Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection PhD Programme
- Wellcome/ GSK Training Programme for Clinicians in Translation Medicine
- 6 x Wellcome Trust Collaborative Awards (awarded to Professor Kath Maitland, Professor Graham Cooke, Professor Gavin Screaton, Professor Wendy Barclay, Professor David Rueda, Professor Shiranee Sriskandan)
- EDCCTP Vaccines for poverty-related diseases – Professor Jonathan Weber (£10.8m)
- CEPI Platform technologies to enable rapid vaccine development for epidemic-prone infections – Professor Robin Shattock (£5.8m)
- MRC Enhancing UK’s Clinical Research Capabilities & Technologies: Dementia research – Professor Paul Matthews (£5.5m)
Key facilities funding
- Wellcome Cryo-Electron Microscopy Equipment Grant – Professor Xiaodong Zhang (£3m)
- EPSRC Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub – Professor Robin Shattock (£10m)
- IAVI Human Core Lab – Professor Jill Gilmour (£15m)
- MS & Parkinson’s Tissue Bank – Professor Richard Reynolds (£2m)
- Brain Bank & Renewal – Professor Richard Reynolds (£2.5m)
- Wellcome Biomedical Resource and Technology Development Grants – Professor David Nutt (£1.2m)
- Wellcome Biomedical Resource and Technology Development Grants – Ten Feizi (£660k)
Centres and networks
Academics in the Department have been instrumental in founding and coordinating the following research centres and networks, which strategically bring together expertise from across the College:
- Antimicrobial Research Collaborative @ Imperial (ARC)
- Diabetes Network
- Centre for Translational Nutrition and Food Research
- Imperial Network for Vaccine Research (INVAR)
- Centre of Excellence for Antimicrobial Optimisation (CAMO)
- Health Protection Research Unit (HPRU)
- Clinical Research Facility & Renewal
- MRC CMBI & Renewal
- British Heart Foundation Centre of Excellence
- UK Dementia Research Institute at Imperial
- UK Dementia Research Institute Care and Technology Centre at Imperial
- Imperial Centre for Global Health Research
Donations and endowments
The Department has gratefully received several significant donations and endowments throughout its history which have supported the advancement of its research mission in a number of areas:
- Sir Peter Miller legacy – Tissue Bank (£250k)
- Hugh & Josseline Langmuir Centre for Myeloma Research (£10m)
- Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust equipment fund (£1.5m)
- Alexander Mosley Charitable Trust (£1.1m)
- Lily Safra and the Edmond J. Safra Foundation – Parkinson’s Disease Fellowships (£1.63m)
Senior Fellowships
Academics in the Department of Medicine have been awarded a total of
- 25 Wellcome Trust Investigator awards
- 10 NIHR Senior Investigator awards
- 3 NIHR Research Professorships
- 6 Wellcome Senior Research Fellowships
Early Career Fellowships
Over the past ten years, more than 63 early career researchers have transitioned to independence-level fellowships, demonstrating our commitment to fostering next generation of research leaders.
- Two early-career researchers were awarded highly prestigious Lister Prizes (Sophie Helaine and Serge Mostowy)
- 8 investigators were awarded MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowships (Fatemah Geranmayeh, James Seddon, David Owen, Chris Gale, Paul Turner, Aubrey Cunnington, Graham Lord, Darius Armstrong-James, David Sharp, Harry Antoniades).
Horizon 2020 awards
- EUCLIDS – Professor Mike Levin (£9.2m)
- EAVI2020 – Professor Robin Shattock (£14.2m)
- MOCHA – Professor Mitch Blair (£4.5m)
- PERFORM – Professor Mike Levin (£11.6m)
- PRESTIGE-AF – Professor Roland Veltkamp (£3.4m)