For the latest edition of our Staff Profile series, we spoke to Dr Ceyda Oksel about postdoc life, and her views on how we can create a better working culture for early career researchers in the Department.
What is your role in the Department?
I’m a Postdoctoral Research Associate, working as part of a multidisciplinary research team consisting of data scientists, statisticians, clinicians and geneticists. My research focuses on implementing machine learning models to develop personalised asthma management strategies and tools, through understanding the underlying pathological mechanisms and the genetic and environmental factors that cause or contribute to asthma.
I’m a Departmental representative for postdocs and an active member of the postdoc reps committee. I work together with Imperial’s Postdoc and Fellows Development Centre (PFDC) on facilitating communication between postdocs across the College, highlighting the opportunities and resources that are available to them. I’m also a Staff Supporter, providing confidential assistance on a range of issues from queries about career advice or flexible working, to concerns about the behaviour of a colleague. Additionally, I’m a personal tutor for a group of Year 1 students, and provide scientific mentoring and support to high school students undertaking British Science Association CREST Awards.
Outside Imperial, I’m involved in a range of charity work and activities, and currently volunteering as a mentor for the Social Mobility Foundation (SMF) scheme, which aims to help high-achieving young people from low-income backgrounds to progress into Higher Education and employment. (more…)
Read In profile: Dr Ceyda Oksel, Postdoctoral Research Associate in full