Latest publications: November 2019

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings published. Here’s our monthly round-up of recent publication successes.*

Date of publication Authors OR Authors/Contributors Title Publication type Canonical journal title
12/11/2019 Lyons PA, Peters JE, Alberici F, Liley J, Coulson RMR, Astle W, Baldini C, Bonatti F, Cid MC, Elding H, Emmi G, Epplen J, Guillevin L, Jayne DRW, Jiang T, Gunnarsson I, Lamprecht P, Leslie S, Little MA, Martorana D, Moosig F, Neumann T, Ohlsson S, Quickert S, Ramirez GA, Rewerska B, Schett G, Sinico RA, Szczeklik W, Tesar V, Vukcevic D; European Vasculitis Genetics Consortium, Terrier B, Watts RA, Vaglio A, Holle JU, Wallace C, Smith KGC Genome-wide association study of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis reveals genomic loci stratified by ANCA status Journal Article Nature Communications
05/09/2019 Cooper N, Ghanima W. Immune Thrombocytopenia Review The New England Journal of Medicine
06/11/2019 Pinato DJ, Gramenitskaya D, Altmann DM, Boyton RJ, Mullish BH, Marchesi JR, Bower M Antibiotic therapy and outcome from immune-checkpoint inhibitors. Letter Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
11/2019 Xu D, Claudiani S, Naresh K, Mucklow S, Neelakantan P, Yebra E, Apperley JF, Khorashad J, Milojkovic D Blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukemia with plasmacytoid dendritic cell phenotype associated with a rare fusion transcript, e13a3 BCR-ABL1. Letter Leukemia and Lymphoma
31/10/2019 Wiles K, Chappell L, Clark K, Elman L, Hall M, Lightstone L, Mohamed G, Mukherjee D, Nelson-Piercy C, Webster P, Whybrow R, Bramham K Clinical practice guideline on pregnancy and renal disease. Journal Article BMC Nephrology
13/11/2019 Claudiani S, Metelli S, Kamvar R, Szydlo R, Khan A, Byrne J, Gallipoli P, Bulley SJ, Horne GA, Rothwell K, Copland M, Clark RE, Khorashad JS, Foroni L, Milojkovic D, Apperley JF Introducing a Predictive Score for Successful Treatment Free Remission in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). Journal Article Blood
05/11/2019 Prendecki M, Pusey C Plasma exchange in anti-glomerular basement membrane disease. Journal Article Presse Med
01/11/2019 Peghaire C, Dufton NP, Lang M, Salles-Crawley II, Ahnstrom J, Kalna V, Raimondi C, Pericleous C, Inuabasi L, Kiseleva R, Muzykantov VR, Mason JC, Birdsey GM, Randi AM The transcription factor ERG regulates a low shear stress-induced anti-thrombotic pathway in the microvasculature Article, Journal Nature Communications
11/2019 Jayakody Arachchillage DR, Gaspar M, Makhecha S, Laffan M Use of Antithrombin Concentrate for Acquired Antithrombin Deficiency in Acutely Unwell Children Receiving Unfractionated Heparin. Journal Article Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis


*The mysterious case of the missing publication: a disclaimer

To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from Symplectic. Our reports are generated on a fortnightly basis, which means there may be a delay in publicising some publications

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