Latest publications: August 2019

Congratulations to members of the Department who have recently had their research findings accepted for publication or published. Here’s our monthly round-up of recent publication successes.*

Publication type Publication date Authors OR Authors/Contributors Status Title Canonical journal title
Journal article 24/07/2019 Bain BJ Published Pseudoplatelets and apoptosis in Burkitt lymphoma. American Journal of Hematology
Journal article 27/07/2019 Crawley JTB, Zalli A, Monkman JH, Petri A, Lane DA, Ahnstrӧm J, Salles‐Crawley II Published Defective fibrin deposition and thrombus stability in Bambi‐/‐ mice is mediated by elevated anticoagulant function Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Journal article 30/07/2019 Gierula M, Salles‐Crawley II, Santamaria S, Teraz‐Orosz A, Crawley JTB, Lane DA, Ahnström J Published The roles of factor Va and protein S in formation of the activated protein C/protein S/factor Va inactivation complex Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis

*The mysterious case of the missing publication: a disclaimer

To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information published on this blog, we source our data directly from Symplectic. Our reports are generated on a fortnightly basis, which means there may be a delay in publicising some publications. 

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