Funding successes: July 2020

Brain artwork in the Main Entrance of Imperial College London

Congratulations to all Principal Investigators in the Department who have recently been awarded research grants. Here is our round-up of the latest funding successes.

Please note, this list comprises awards that have recently been set up on College’s grants management system, with some manual additions. It may not, therefore, include all new grants awarded to Principal Investigators in the Department.

Group Principal Investigator(s) Funder Scheme Proposal title Award amount (£)
Clinical Neurology Dr David Owen Trevena, Inc N/A Investigating the relationship between the renin angiotensin system and the coagulopathy associated with COVID-19. 111,099*
Clinical Neurology Dr Sudhin Thayyil National Institute for Health Research Advanced Fellowship NIHR Advanced Fellowship – Stage 2 (NIHR300118) 1,180,229*
Clinical Neurology Dr Yen Foung Tai; Dr Barry Seemungal The Jon Moulton Charity Trust Project grant Spinal cord stimulation for gait dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease P85312 542,526*
Clinical Neurology Professor Michael Johnson Brain Tumour Research Campaign N/A targetting genetic vulnerabilities collateral to chromosomal abberations in GBM 130,865
Clinical Neurology Professor Paolo Muraro Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust NIHR Efficiency and Mechanism Evaluation Programme (EME) StarMS: Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation versus Alemtuzumab or Ocrelizumab in Relapsing Remitting MS” (led by Sheffield) 603,848
Neuroscience Dr Marco Brancaccio UK DRI Ltd UK DRI Pilot Project Scheme 2020 UK DRI Pilot Project Scheme 2020 (Hoekstra) Cold-induced proteins as mediators of sleep dependent brain protection 43,082

*Figure includes FoM Subprojects

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