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Millau Viaduct Blog Feed Day 1: Monday

A misty start to an otherwise glorious day, full of keen (yet slightly tired) Imperial students ready to push the GO button. Ignoring the effects of the late night world cup matches, our team fuelled up during breakfast and met up for a brief morning meeting. Our project manager (Winnie) with our Site Manager (Orrin) discussed the safety issues and the day’s targets. Fastening our safety boots, we shifted into drive mode and set out in various sub groups. A few of the team boggled their minds over the encrypted A3 drawings, whilst others spent their time working their muscles and tying the rebar’s. All was well and the team was on target for the aims of the day. Work effort took a notch down while the aweing concrete truck strutted through the site. Team members stopped their work to gather and watch their first live concrete pour. A few conflicts emerged here and there due to this but who can blame us? This is Constructionarium where the aim is to gain experience for every moment on site. Nevertheless, our targets were met, lessons were learnt and we look forward for Day 2…


ALL IN ALL (Seriously…):

  • Slow start to the day but steep learning curve. Acquiring a feel of the site
  • All target objectives met: first foundation completed
  • Slow communication problems (solution found after evening meeting)
  • Greater awareness of safety learnt after a few major/minor mistakes during the day
  • Bridge deck drawings analysed and ready to figure out how to launch the deck
Millau Day 1
Millau Viaduct Team, Day 1, Preparing the foundation ready for concrete pour. Fundamental to the stability of the conclusive bridge.


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