More about us

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What we do

We focus on mathematical and computational approaches to improving healthcare, particularly translational and clinical applications of these approaches. These include using clinical “big data” to understand clinical outcomes, novel reasoning techniques to better understand clinical trials, computer-enhanced interpretation of imaging and using data from patient-worn sensors and online data collection.

Why it is important

Computational medicine offers a chance to provide mass-personalisation of medicine, improving healthcare and preventing harm. However, many of the underlying techniques and theory are often poorly developed in the medical arena, where we face problems of complex, longitudinal datasets with conflicting and incomplete data. Our work aims to offer theoretically sound, well-tested applications of computational approaches to real clinical problems. For that reason, we are based in the radiotherapy department at Charing Cross, and our Clinical Staff run several clinics each week in addition to their research work.

How it can benefit patients

We have a strong translational aspect to our work. We are currently developing patient-focused extensions to our previous work to develop patient and doctor-enabling tools to reason with clinical trials. We are also developing novel uses for patient-worn sensors in order to better understand toxicity and quality of life in patients being treated for their cancer, with the ultimate aim of improving patient outcomes.



To know more, visit our official Imperial College London page, our LinkedIn page, or even Dr Matt Williams’ Twitter feed.