Category: 2017 Marylebone Food Cycle

Marylebone FoodCycle: this is not my last goodbye

So here I am writing my ultimate blog for Charity Insights at the end of my internship at Marylebone FoodCycle. It has been a month full of new encounters, impactful experiences and blissful moments shared with the people I have met on my volunteering journey. I have written my last report and sent the last few emails as part of my project, and it is now time to reflect upon my experience.

Working for Marylebone FoodCycle at St. Paul’s Church allowed me to get an insight into what working for the charity and social sector is like; it gave me a deeper understanding of the dynamics involved in such organisations.

Marylebone FoodCycle: the journey continues

As most – if not all – precious participants of Charity Insights reflected in their blog posts, I  too cannot believe three weeks have already flown by. I have learned and shared so much on my ongoing journey in the volunteering and non-for-profit sector. Since this post is meant for the reader, whatever brings you to read these words, to get a glimpse of my placement, I thought I’d share the most important and decisive moments I have had so far.

The key week was the second week, which involved lots of networking events where I had the opportunity the exchange thoughts with people from various backgrounds, ranging from hotel managers to social workers.

Getting started: first week at Marylebone Food Cycle

It’s Friday afternoon and my first week at Marylebone FoodCycle is close to an end. As I write these words, upbeat music sets the tone at St. Paul’s Church, where Marylebone Food Cycle operates in joint collaboration. Not only a church but also a local community centre, St. Paul’s Church is constantly filled with a vibrant and diverse community, with events ranging from Nordic choirs and guitar lessons to Zumba classes and FoodCycle dinners. This has made St. Paul’s a place I would call home rather than a workplace. Located close to Church Street, it is a complete different London that I have come to experience so far, with a bustling street market and antique shops two steps away from Regent’s canal.