Category: Scott Hobbs

Week 2 – YMCA Corporate Office

The start of my second week began with writing my summative report. After 2500 words about the extent of integration at the YMCA White House, I relocated to the Corporate Office for a more office based project. So far this week I have been assessing the application packs for prospective job applicants. Through investigation of previous resources I wrote an interim report and then starting redrafting the Application Form, Equal Opportunities Form and Criminal Declaration Form.

Also this week I have been reviewing the YMCA’s Human Resource’s Policies and Procedures: collating the policies and rewriting where necessary in order to upload to the new computer system.

Week 1 – YMCA White House

I have just completed the first week in my Charity Insights experience at the YMCA London South West.

My project is based around an evaluation of a new centre: the YMCA White House, following the YMCA’s takeover of the Hampton Community Project’s White House.

So far I have interviewed staff (both new and those transferred under TUPE); started analyzing the new policies and procedures and met with senior management regarding the success of the takeover.

Once I have collated my findings, it’s time to start writing a report, with the guidance of the Director of Human Resources. The project report aims to help senior management with possible future developments at the centre.