Category: Rebekah Hodgkinson

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust – Week 4

Finished the last week of my internship, it’s been an absolutely amazing experience, I’ve had involvement in multiple different sectors of the wildlife trust and have felt really welcomed into every different department. This week I’ve done multiple different wildlife based things, on Monday I was invited onto a lichen course to learn more about lichen, and see how we could maybe include it into the school curriculum, it was surprisingly interesting and I think I learnt a lot.

I also did some more work with the midweek volunteers, clearing ragwort out of fields as it is poisonous to live stock.

Week 3 – Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

Last week was another amazing week full of fantastic experiences. I’m struggling to believe my placement is almost over. Been so busy over the past week getting involved in many different activities, as I mentioned in my last post on Saturday the 19th I went to a small mammal trapping event which was a lot of fun, we basically used traps in order to get statistical values for the numbers of small mammals in an area of woodland. It was a great experience.

Later on in the week, I worked with a few more school groups, running various activities which I now feel confident leading.

Week 2 – Derbyshire Wildlife trust

Week 2 has produced some new challenges, I’ve been involved in a few different activities in comparison to last week and have also grown in confidence enough to lead a few of the activities I’ve become more comfortable with.

On Tuesday I spent the day with the rangers getting an experience of what they do, I spent most the day doing weeding, although this probably wasn’t the most exciting activity to be involved in,  they did promise me that next time I’m with them it’ll be in a more interesting line of work. I’ve also arranged a meeting to speak with a ranger who had a large involvement in the production of the water cycle exhibition which will be really useful for my project, he will be able to give me more information about the planning and production of the display.

Week 1 – Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

The Derbyshire Wildlife Trust is one of 47 local trusts around the UK working to promote and protect local wildlife. The trust manages 42 nature reserves (when in Derbyshire you are never more than 9 miles away from one), including moorland, wetland, woodland and wildflower meadows. The trust works with a range of different establishments such as schools, communities, local authorities and landowners to promote and protect the natural environment. I was interested in the work of the Trust because I am from the local area so obviously its protection should be important to me, but also as a biologist I thought the work I’d be involved in witvery relevant to my course.