Category: Isabelle Erbacher

Rethought Mental Illness

I can hardly believe that today is my second last day. On one hand, the last four weeks have flown by incredibly fast, and on the other hand, it feels like I’ve always worked here.

This last week has certainly been eventful! My survey (which was originally meant to go online last Thursday, then Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) is now being promoted through Facebook and Twitter! As you can see, it was being pushed to the next day a number of times – that is because Rethink tries to limit its activity on social media, especially Facebook, so that each individual post gets enough attention.

My survey’s going online!

This week has flown by. Wow. I also have to apologise for always writing and writing and writing (I lose myself in the process sometimes, which is why my posts end up as short stories). To make this week’s blog entry a little more endurable, I’m adding some colourful images!

So, what happened at Rethink this week? Again, I spent much of my time perfecting the primary care survey. I am quite amazed at how much time and thought goes into a piece of work that will only take 5 minutes to fill in. I have been rephrasing and slightly altering the order of questions so many times, because it has to be perfect – thousands of Rethink’s followers will (hopefully) see and respond to this survey, and the same applies to the other organisations we are collaborating with.

The pieces of the Mental Health Puzzle are coming together

Shocking news – I can now no longer go without at least a cup of tea every two hours. I am also adapting to working in an office – I no longer find it odd to share information with people sitting in the same room by email! Having said that, I have had countless very constructive conversations about general issues in the mental health sector, as well as more specific ones about my project. Everybody on the Campaigns team that I am part of has been incredibly supportive and always prepared to provide me with feedback on my work.

I can hardly believe that my second week at Rethink is almost over.

Rethinking Mental Illness

Here I am, sitting at my desk in the Vauxhall office of Rethink Mental Illness, after months of anticipation and preparation! It is my fourth day today, and after the strange feeling that overcomes oneself when entering unknown terrain, I am beginning to settle in. The occasional tea break allows me to enjoy the sensational view out of the 15th floor windows, with MI6 to one side of the building, and Big Ben, the London Eye and the City of London to the other. Having a chat over a cup of tea also really helps getting to know the team (and so did a 5-hour post-work picnic in the park yesterday!).