Category: Clara Hurst

Week 4 – Final week at TF Willetts Foundation

After 4 weeks at the Thomas Fredrick Willetts Foundation, my internship has come to an end. My final week has been packed full of liaising, research and finalising the projects we’ve been working towards.

So why did I decide to take up a charity insights internship?

I wanted to gain valuable experience in a professional, office environment as well as utilise my skills and knowledge to benefit others. If the insights scheme was not available, then I would have been waitressing tables all summer, which is still valuable work experience but I have been doing this ongoing for two years, having the chance to add something different through the insights scheme is extremely invaluable.

Week 3 – Promotion of the TF Willetts Social Media Campaign

So week three is at an end and we’ve finally finished editing the video which starts the campaign, to check it out go to:

The Facebook and Twitter pages are also now active with content we’ve scheduled to go up and hopefully we’ve started drawing attention to the charity – our whole aim!

This week’s tasks, alongside the social media content and video launch, were to film a second video and organise proceedings for two further events later in the year. This second video focused on an Italian guitarist who specialises in gypsy guitar, Giulio Romano, and is someone whose events the charity supports.

Week 2: Content and development of TF Willetts social media campaign

After my first week of extensive research and planning, we’ve now developed the campaign in the second week starting with our slogan ‘life in the light’ (it was originally ‘light up a life’ but sadly this was already taken for a hospice campaign) and filming a video in Hyde Park. The aim of the video is to introduce me and my colleague Theo, talk about what we’re going to be doing on the Facebook pages in the next couple of weeks, what the charity itself does and how people can get involved with our campaign. We weren’t aware we we’re doing this until Tuesday when the CEO of the company, Brian Willetts, told us he wanted us to do a video by Thursday, consequently we had to work at an extremely fast pace and in our own time to create content to deliver.

Week one – Getting started

Regeneration of communities through performing arts is at the heart of the Thomas Frederick Willetts Foundation. Their current aim is to launch ‘The Light Project’ in October, a project which focuses on building an arts centre in Treharris, a disadvantaged community, to bring revenue back into the community as well as a providing a place where the community can come together to carry out performing arts projects. To sustain this they are opening ice cream cafes, art exhibitons from the Tate Britain and even manufacturing their own regional beer the ‘Taf-Valley’. The regeneration of Treharris will hopefully act as a microcosm to apply to other disadvantaged communities in the UK and across the world.