Category: Chloe Thorn

Final week at the British Red Cross in Portsmouth

So I thought I would do a quick round up of what I have learnt on my internship since I am at the end of my final week 🙁

  • How to link data
  • How to communicate the same information in different ways effectively for different people and purposes i.e Writing a report, a memo for a meeting and a PowerPoint on my project (oh and these blogs! This has been fun to do!)
  • I think my touch typing has got better all this time at the computer
  • I have learnt conditional formatting on excel and how to add data filters (forgotten skills from GCSE ….)

Week 3 at the British Red Cross in Portsmouth

Ok, week 3 – What have we done?

I have finished writing up my report and have gone through and extended my points as Rachel had asked me to. I have checked all the spelling, grammar, punctuation and stats- so I think we are good to go! Phrasing of points is also key and parapharsing, though useful, can sometimes alter dramatically how well recieved the information is. It is funny how one word can totally change how people take things and since the report makes suggestions, this is important to consider.

I have a date set in my last week to allow me to feedback to the People and Learning team. 

Week 2 at the British Red Cross in Portsmouth

Hi Everyone!

So it has been a busy and productive week here! Last Friday after I wote my Blog post I went over our huge, very detailed spreadsheet  with the other intern, also called Chloe! ( As you can imagine this is quite funny and creates a touch of confusion!) We came up with lists of errors in the data collection and searched the data again for evidence for my report.

I have been typing up drafts of my report  this week and have shown it to my Line Manager Rachel who has given me feedback after my first attempt, which has been really helpful.

First week At Portsmouth British Red Cross

Hi everyone!

I thought I would let you know what I have been up to on my charity insights placement and a little bit about me/ my project.

So why did you choose the British Red Cross as your charity?

Well I have been a Volunteer with them for 4 years as a Peer Educator in First Aid and love it, so it was an obvious choice. They are always keen to take on Interns to help out as well!

What is the project and why are you doing it?

I am working in the People and Learning department where I am linking two pieces of research data together, one on volunteer rentention ( quantitative) and a second on staff and volunteer engagement (focus groups).