About Charity Insights

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Charity Insights is a Careers Service initiative developed for Imperial undergraduate and PhD students. It offer students a chance to experience working in the UK not-for-profit sector through a short internship. The internships are 4 weeks in length (or part-time equivalent) and can be taken at any point during the summer.

The scheme requires you to find your own internship within a non-profit organisation based in the UK. Imperial College Careers Service will then offer you £245 a week over the four weeks.

Previous Charity Insights students have worked in a wide range of charities such as Greenpeace, Blue Ventures Conservation, The Big Issue Foundation and the Royal Society conducting various projects including research, GIS mapping, publishing, marketing, data analysis and more.

Previous participants said:

  • “I’ve come out having seen a whole different side of the world – a far cry from what life on campus can lull you into thinking the real world is like – and that I wouldn’t have ordinarily seen were it not for Charity Insights.” (Will Prince, third year Physics)
  • “It has opened up my eyes to the different options available for graduates within the non-commercial sector that still have some relation to science.” (Aleks Berditchevskaia, Bioengineering)
  • “It has been a memorable four weeks that I feel extremely privileged to have had. There is no doubt in my mind that the experience I have gained from this placement will impact my future career positively.” (Nick Birtle, second year Geophysics)

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