Professional Working Adult

I guess I’m a professional working adult now.  I have a 9 to 5 schedule (being able to relax after work and not have to study pleases me), I commute on the tube at peak hours (and eavesdrop on busy businessmen’s conversations) and I get to tell people I work in Temple (like a hotshot lawyer in a TV series).

Not pictured: the businessman who looked at me weird for taking this photo

These middle weeks have been where I’ve done the bulk of my work. I wrote a news report on digital democracy, did an extensive literature review on data economy, and compiled about 10 case studies on different enterprises from around the world. Basically, I read a lot and wrote a lot. And I loved it. Of course, I did this sitting on a couch whilst looking out the window at the Tate Modern on one side and the London Eye on the other, because have I mentioned the views here are amazing?

In between all this research, I was also invited to attend a presentation by a colleague who works on government innovation. Aside from a great learning experience on public speaking, it was interesting to see a topic I’d been reading so much about come to life in such an engaging and captivating way, and I feel very fortunate I was able to attend.

Another exciting thing happened: I met the group of interns at Nesta. What a lovely bunch! It was nice talking to people closer to my age, and hearing about their experiences after university was very valuable and relevant to my near future. But more importantly, they taught me the tricks for getting bigger rations at the café downstairs and all the juicy office gossip.

I can’t believe I only have 1 week left of my internship. Next week’s post is going to be filled with electronic tears and Adele songs playing in the background. Can’t wait.


Highlight of the week: Being introducing by the interns to a life-changing falafel place just 5 minutes away from the office. The rations are huge, the falafels are so crispy, the salads are amazing and the hummus is revolutionary.

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