Week 1

Despite being a 1st year Biology student, the amount of knowledge I have regarding neuroscience and neuro-disability is basic to say the most, much like the majority of the younger generation since the wonders of the brain and its workings are not a majorly touched on in the school curriculum.

The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability is an awe inspiring charity that provides specialist care for patients with neuro-disability and aims not only to rehabilitate patients but to improve their quality of life as a whole. For my project I will be working with the RHN with the aim of producing a toolbox of presentations that the hospital can use when visiting schools to raise awareness for the neuro-disability and the work of the charity, some of which will also be presented by myself.

My first day at the charity was smoother and more comfortable than expected. On my first day I was given a desk, introduced to colleagues and given a tour of the beautiful 18th century building. During the tour I was shown some of the therapy rooms and computer rooms which contained lots of new and exciting technology such as eye gaze machines (tracks pupil movement to communicate) and different controls on computers that can be adapted depending on the mobility of the patients.

The first week consisted heavily of research on the charity, neuro-disability and the brain which I need to include in the presentations. The research was fairly independent however my supervisor also has a wealth of knowledge on everything to do with the charity and neuroscience so of course she was of great help. She provided me with lots of resources to do with not only the charity but also neuroscience and is always teaching me new ways to make my presentation more engaging.  At the start of the week I also contacted and visited my old secondary school to tell them about my project and now I am booked in for the next academic year to deliver my presentation to year 7 and 8.

So far the 1st week flew by and I can’t wait for what’s to come

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