Save the Rhino: Fast Paced Conservation

Something that I was looking forward to the most when working for a charity that is directed towards animal conservation was the rate of rewards. I have already mentioned that I have worked in field work and at a zoo, but to be able to see the impact your work has on animal conservation in these fields is slow and can take years – even a lifetime. However, charity has easily come up trumps. Work is fast-paced and the benefits of your work are immediate.

Save the Rhino has 13 programmes in Africa and 4 programmes in Asia. With an extensive group of projects around the world that is under their control, there always seems to be good news. Such as Ratu the Sumatran rhino (one of the rarest in the world) being pregnant for a second time or the fact that the team in Swaziland’s Big Game Parks has managed to keep rhino poaching at an all time low with no poaching incidences last year.


Not only is it the regular news from programmes across the world that give you a rush but the constant exchange of funds, whether it be by community fundraising, corporate fundraising, memberships or merchandise. We always seem to be having rhino costumes being returned from somewhere; we have quite a busy little office.

When I look through archives of previous photos, you see how much this charity does and how active they are, especially for a small team of seven.

So you don’t need to be big or need a lifetime to make a difference!

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