Week 4

As mentioned in my last blog post, the raised beds had been severely damaged. After discussing the practicability of the raised beds with staff, I found that raised beds are not any more advantageous for wheel chair users than normal flat beds are. I decided to change the plans and remove the raised beds, this fitted with our model for sustainability as it meant the garden was a lot easier to maintain the long run.

Getting rid of the raised beds meant hiring a skip, which meant tenancy meeting. This impacted the budget and a lot of man power was required to shift the more than 3 cubic metres of soil.

As I’ve now finished the internship I’d definitely recommend participating in the charity insights scheme. It allowed me to pursue a passion without forfeiting a summer. Working in this sector develops skills which you don’t necessarily develop in university. Being able to clearly and coherently give instructions and convey your ideas is vital in work conditions. Listening and adapting to feedback given is equally essential for the end design to be up to the expectations of the client, especially when there are time restrictions.

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