Friends of the Erath – week 3

Here we are, my third post. Two quick section here, one on my work progress so far, and then a bit from my experience of doing Charity Insight.

Section a) The work keeps getting even more interesting, as we go along. I am still working on the first bit of research I was doing for waste management strategy for Birmingham. We have found some interesting facts about other local authorities and how they manage their waste and what lessons are to be learnt from them. The report will be public after finishing it if anyone would ever be interested to have a look. Of course, it is getting harder than ever to get the politicians to consider environmental issues, when there are increasing constraints on their budget. Even though some of these actions will eventually save them more money, the fact of doing something different which might cost some money short term with greater long term benefit scare them! Well, nothing too bad, this simply means more convincing required đŸ™‚

Oh well, it was first day of autumn yesterday! (courtesy of:
Oh well, it was first day of autumn yesterday! (courtesy of:

Section b) Having spent around ¾ of my work so far, I see the charity insight experience very interesting. It puts you in a new environment with people having different drive and enthusiasm, working for something they passionately believe in and enjoying each other’s company and the benefit they provide to their end user as the main drive. In addition, I guess you are regularly dealing with precision of science and medicine, and exercising your brain taking it to an area outside these is very useful. And it feels quite good doing something you see the outcome of it could have a real impact on many people. I would definitely recommend this to anyone. And I did it part time, and I think this was quite a good experience as well, both for me and for the organisation.

One week to go…

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