Conference Success! Week 4

This week started off with many crucial tasks, including finalizing the attendee list, printing and binding the conference packet, creating name tags for the participants, and filling the gift bags. We had a good assembly line going, though, so it wasn’t too tedious.

The programme for the conference was successfully uploaded to the INCA2015 website, which was safely accepting research abstracts and payment for participation as well.

As an intern directly responsible for the outcome of the conference, I was also in charge of catering. Because the conference was hosted by PCRF, we contacted many shops around the South Kensington area to see if they would want to contribute to our conference.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) requires that many businesses incorporate some ethical or charitable actions into their business plan. CSR through environmental, social, or philanthropic means is important for improving the local communities’ response to the company. Many of the businesses we contacted had already allocated their annual budget for charitable acts to other charities, so it was difficult finding a company that would help. We were thrilled when Starbucks agreed to supply us with free freshly brewed coffee, cups, and milk, on both days of the conference. Thanks Starbucks!

On the day of the conference, I had a chance to meet so many people from all over the world. We welcomed our guests at the registration table, and then later on were able to listen to the inspiring speakers at the conference, and speak to participants exhibiting their research posters in the coffee breaks.

The combination of work at this charity was a dedicated effort to immerse myself into a scientific career with the fundamental goal of bettering people’s lives. I’m so thankful I was trusted with so many jobs so quickly. Planning the conference took up a significant part of my time at the charity. I was able to input so many of my ideas into planning the conference, which made the whole experience rewarding and worthwhile. I’ve gained a whole set of new skills, most important of which is negotiation and tactical communication. During my time I’ve met so many kind and interesting people, and hope to work with them soon again. I want to say a massive thank you to Charity Insights and PCRF for giving me the opportunity to work and gain such invaluable experience this summer.


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