Final week at The Long Well Walk

 M y work with the charity has sadly come to an end, and the final product is even better than we expected.

This week we’ve strung together all the lesson plans and ‘water drops’ to actually form a programme pack. This has meant creating the information sheets and pitch ready to send the packs over to the schools, including fundraising materials, thorough explanations of how the scheme will run and outlining the key values of the charity. It’s also meant I’ve made a verrrry long list of things to do for the staff taking over my role, who will be in charge of producing the actual teaching materials: worksheets, presentations and lesson teaching guides.


Working with this charity has been amazing, I’ve been able to work with some brilliant people who are incredibly hard working and it’s really opened my eyes to the possibilities when it comes to international development. It’s undeniably rewarding and there are some fantastic small charities out there – I’ll definitely be looking for more to get involved with when I’m back in London and of course return to The Long Well Walk in the future.


Leaving the internship is made all the sweeter by being able to see the amount of work we’ve actually achieved over the past four weeks. We’ve completed everything that we wanted to do and more, and it gives me a really warm feeling to know that the materials and structure that I’ve helped to create will be used over the coming years to raise awareness and money to support people living in sub-Saharan Africa. It goes without saying that taking part in the Charity Insights Scheme has given me invaluable skills, experience and inspiration – I couldn’t recommend it enough and would like to thank everybody at The Long Well Walk for having me. J

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