Week Three at WildHearts


A big part of this week was consolidating attendance at the Edinburgh GEL summit. The invitations that I distributed last week resulted in a great number of responses and new signups for the event. Although the initial period after sending my invitations was fairly quiet, in the end the effort did pay off.

With the Edinburgh GEL fast approaching the volume of emails coming in is increasing and there are always event bookings to be taken and parking/dinner reservations to be made. This has highlighted the importance of multi-tasking, as I have been required to deal with these requests in parallel with my other set tasks.

I was also required to contact a number of schools from around Scotland that are attending the event in order to obtain the names of the attending school representatives. This proved less straightforward than anticipated due to the different school term start dates for each local authority. By the end of the week I had managed to collect in about half of the required information with the rest due to be obtained in week four.

Another task for this week was to liaise with the event speakers for the Edinburgh and the London GELs in order to obtain their presentation slides and handle any of their other requirements. The slides were needed in order to prepare a composite presentation for the event day and have time to test the master presentation with the venue facilities. This again was a task that will run onto week four but there was some good progress made this week.

On a slightly different note, this week I was given a couple of new research based tasks. Firstly I have been looking into various student membership organisations, focusing on their on campus activities and the number of students they can reach, in order to find new ways of promoting next year’s Micro Tyco Student Challenge. The second research task is to look into the brand ambassador schemes of various organisations in order to provide some insight on how these schemes are run. This is in support of WildHearts’ plans to launch an ambassador scheme in the future to allow industry experts to contribute their network and image towards the WildHearts cause.

So that’s that for this week, I am looking forward to completing my tasks next week so stay tuned for updates!

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