Week 4 with Samaritans

Following my final week with Samaritans it’s safe to say it’s been an experience.

I will keep this entry short and sweet as my last (rather long) one got deleted when I tried to publish it, which was frustrating!

My final week has consisted of collaborating my survey responses, interviews and research into a written report for my supervisor. Though I have learned a lot during my time here I unfortunately did not have as many survey respondents as I would have liked, so drawing any meaningful conclusions has been rather difficult. However, I’ve done my best to work with what I have.

It’s been a privilege to work with Samaritans and I look forward very much to undergoing my own training to become a listening volunteer in the autumn, and soon after taking calls. Every Samaritan I’ve met so far has been a wonderful person, and I can only hope to become half of what they are now.

My focus now will turn to the stigma surrounding mental health. I hope to address this both within and outside of my professional career, especially through events such as Mental Health Awareness Week.

Working with Samaritans has helped me to realise that my career aspirations are now directed towards mental health, and I hope to follow this through next year in my BSc in Neuroscience in Mental Health!MHAW_RGB

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