Asha: Project Review

It has been a long and productive week, having had no less than 3 review meetings! By the end of last week, I had read through 5-6 key papers in the fields of youth unemployment and skills development challenges facing India. My task for the rest of the internship is to condense that information into a succinct 10 page report – no mean feat considering I have read more than 200 pages of interesting, useful and relevant information in addition to all the statistics collected. I am making good progress on the report and am on track to finish it by the end of the week.

Saturday was a big day as I met the entire team for a project review. Each member had focused on pulling the metrics from one of the papers – in this context, my summary was extremely important as it acts as the link between their metrics. It was discussed and scrutinised in some detail; I have receive feedback on it so as to improve and add to it in the final week. The biggest addition – a product of the meeting – is the finalised metric which is a set of 8-10 questions that each Asha project dealing with skills development has to answer when requesting more funding. This is then used as a measure of success, comparing it to other Asha projects and published averages from third party schemes before a final decision is made on approving the funding.

Here is a sneak preview of the report (not that you can see much…). The full version will be online next week, see my final blog post for the link!

Asha project

And here is the Imperial team of Asha volunteers – Vidhya, Himadri (PhD students, EE Department) and me with Himadri’s daughter who made a guest appearance at our team meet!


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