Week 1&2 at the Collegiate Academy Trust

I came into the CAT (Collegiate Academy Trust) wanting to inspire young minds and show them that there is a world behind the geography and geology they study, and I have left everyday with the same urge. My time at the CAT, based at their flagship school, is to be spent creating resources and developing connections with the geological community; as well as getting a feel for teaching on a day to day basis.

I spent my first few days being introduced to the latest resource creating software and settling into life in a school. Once I got over the novelty of seeing a school (and teachers) from the other side, its a place I felt right at home. With everything set up, I began work on creating resources for GCSE and A-level students. A week later and my first couple are finished; polished revision tools and tests which I am (and my department are) proud of. Many skills are being called into play, from graphics and coding to simply remembering my GCSE geography – I feel like its a fantastic consolidator for what I’ve learnt over the past few years.


My plan for a rock loaning scheme has just begun. I soon found that GCSE and A-level students have barely enough time to cover the specification, never mind diverting to look at rocks. However, I am currently in talks with teachers of lower years (7&8), and hopefully from here the scheme will begin to take shape.

I have spent some time immersing myself in the school. I have been put in charge of the rock collection, which is in desperate need of sorting, with which I will also produce and provide resources. I have been assigned a group of gifted and talented students with the task of ‘stretching their minds’ next week – a chance to trial run my resources, as well as getting my first taste of solo teaching. Had a fantastic experience so far – roll on the next few weeks.


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