Final week at the British Red Cross in Portsmouth

Bye Portsmouth Office!
Bye Portsmouth Office!

So I thought I would do a quick round up of what I have learnt on my internship since I am at the end of my final week 🙁

  • How to link data
  • How to communicate the same information in different ways effectively for different people and purposes i.e Writing a report, a memo for a meeting and a PowerPoint on my project (oh and these blogs! This has been fun to do!)
  • I think my touch typing has got better all this time at the computer
  • I have learnt conditional formatting on excel and how to add data filters (forgotten skills from GCSE ….) ,kindly retaught to me by fellow intern Chloe
  • Networking
  • How to plan a project
  • New experience of how businesses work – communication, IT, people skills and more
  • How much words impact the meaning and reception of information


Advice for students hoping to apply to this wonderful and fulfilling programme next year (or interns working for charities in general)

  • Do not underestimate getting to know people and creating networks – I would not have got my placement otherwise!
  • Find a charity that you are passionate about, perhaps one that you already have links to?
  • Communicate clearly, frequently and politely
  • Ask questions about your project, make sure you are clear on the tasks and what the expectations are
  • If you are not 100% sure –ASK! People are happy to help!
  • Be aware that people working for charities often ( if not always) do more than their job description ,so are often very busy people with long to do lists. This due to charities using as few staff as possible so funds can go to those in need- therefore interns are valued you help get work done!
  • Write yourself little notes to help you remember what you need to do and by when ( saves you bugging your manager too often and stops you forgetting stuff )
  • Some members of staff may have to travel around an area the charity works in – Be aware of this and plan for any days like this so you have tasks to get on with when your manager maybe out of their main office on training/ meetings
  • If your manager is busy try to give them warning of when you will need work checked over in order to complete the work to a good standard- it helps them out with planning what they have to do each day
  • Charities are nice places to work: there is often a really friendly, open vibe about the office
  • Make sure you know how to make tea/coffee – you know look after people, for example, if you are going to get a drink offer to make other people in the office one too ( but don’t solely make tea, this is not the aim of any internship).
  • Get the work done properly and to a high standard!
  • And Finally …. BE FABULOUS AND ENJOY! ( Oh, and get your application, CV etc into the internship service by the deadline, I hear it helps?)

Good Luck!

Thank you to everyone in People and Learning for supporting me in applying to the Charity Insights Programme and supporting me whilst on my internship – I have learnt so much!



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