Officially My Final Day

It is amazing that the time has arrived to write my final blog. It has honestly flown by, it only seemed like yesterday that I was witing my first one. It is a very bitter-sweet moment.

This week I have been expanding on the project mentioned in my previous blog. Initially, I was required to contact various institutions and charitable organisations over the phone and ask whether they provided or supported any specific LGBT services. After a long day on the phone, I concluded that there were no sevices in the Leeds region that provide such a service. From here my sub- supervisor is now in a position to establish his own clinic within Leeds supporting Children within the Barnardo’s programme. The process from here involves some very thorough statistical research around the proposal by my sub supervisor. Once the research is done he must submit a report containing the research to his manager and they will carry out an evaluation. During my final few days I did some ‘unofficial’ research for him gathering some statistical information regarding some of the data within files of children on the barnardos scheme. The research for this project could potentially take a very long time and my supervisor at Barnardo’s have offered me the chance to return later in my academic career to further aid with this project.

I was initially hoping to set up a 3 day science workshop for the children on the Barnardo’s programme. Unfortunately the demand for this was very low and hence decided it was not feasible to go ahead with the workshop. Instead I have been offered the oppertunity to interact more with young carers who are meeting with staff within this branch of Barnardos. I can’t sit in on the meetings due to the confidentiality of carers-staff relations. But out of the meetings I have had the oppertunity to interact discuss certain aspects of the carers future with them. This was probably the highlight of the Internship simply due to the emotional impact it had on me.

Overall the experience has been infinitely times better than I could have hoped. My communication skills have developed tenfold whilst gaining an excellent understanding of  both how the Barnardo’s organisation is set up along with a brilliant experience of  working within  a not for profit organisation. I have gained several contacts that may aid me in future and, at this point in time, I have no doubt that I hope to persue a career in the not for profit sector.

I would also like to use this oppertunity to express my deepest thanks to Imperial Charity Insights. I would not have been able to carry out this internship from an economic standpoint without the help of yourselves. THANK YOU!

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your internships


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