Week 2 at the British Red Cross in Portsmouth

Hi Everyone!

So it has been a busy and productive week here! Last Friday after I wote my Blog post I went over our huge, very detailed spreadsheet  with the other intern, also called Chloe! ( As you can imagine this is quite funny and creates a touch of confusion!) We came up with lists of errors in the data collection and searched the data again for evidence for my report.

I have been typing up drafts of my report  this week and have shown it to my Line Manager Rachel who has given me feedback after my first attempt, which has been really helpful. I was glad that I had a good structure to my report sorted and that the information and links currently down were not overlapping the work done by Rachel and Chloe.

Rachel and Chloe are both looking at the different sets of data individually and making very detailed points from our data in their reports. Mine differs as I have to link the 2 data sets together and look at the broad trends, which is very different as it is ingrained in us from GCSE Level upwards  ‘DETAIL MORE DETAIL!! BE ACCURATE, BE EXACT!!’.  So, when I had my initial table of: the areas of disscussion,  areas for improvement as suggested by volunteers, and detailed points from the retention study with percentages/ numbers ,and quick starting point  to expand for report; being told it was great, but too detailed for my report was mindblowing .  You can imagine my inner science geek threw their scientific calculator out of the lab and had a little tantrum.  As someone who is used to writing less on trends (though trends are none the less important!) ,then going into far more detail and refering to exact points on graphs to show outliers, refering to differences between  datapoints , and backing  all my statements up religiously …. This has been a bit of a shock to the system.

All this said, I very pleased that I am learning new ways of doing things and writing this report, I feel, has made me more confident in planning essays and how to put information and data from different sources together. Hopefully useful skills to take in to second year of Imperial and will help me improve my performance in assessment.

The hard work is paying off!!
The hard work is paying off!!



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