End of the Second Week

This week has been great! I am continuing on with the data organisation project that I started last week. I have come to realise that I may not be able to get through the entire data set so I hope to design a formal method to approach the organisation (without delving into the world of code to make it easier).

I also accepted a side task proposed by my supervisor to give myself a slight change. The task regards File Case Retentions. All young carers within the Barnardo’s scheme require Barnardo’s to store their data for multiple years depending on their situation. Accordingly, I have been designating appropriate time frames (based on the carers hard copy files) to carer’s files enabling Barnardo’s to store the data for the appropriate period of time.

Finally, I have been discussing, with different colleagues, what is involved when working with young carers. The process of working with children in a one to one meeting is stricly a confidential matter. Hence there is little information that they can officially give me (as I am not qualified to be working with children in a one to one format).

Overally, the experience is fantastic!

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