Week 4 at the PHG Foundation

I could not believe how quickly my last week at the PHG Foundation arrived, and that it was already time to wrap-up up my project. I spent the beginning of the week implementing the last corrections and feedback for the briefing note, which will be published on the PHG Foundation website. I will be one of the authors on the publication, and before the briefing note can be accessed on the website it will be converted into a very smart format, similar to that of other briefing notes, by the communications team. It will be very exciting to see the final document!

Further to this, I spent the remainder of my week preparing a presentation on the project research findings. In order for everyone to be able to attend, we scheduled the presentation in a few weeks time, so I am already looking forward to coming back to the offices then. It made it much easier to say good-bye to everyone on my last day, seeing as I already knew that I would soon be back again.

My internship at the PHG Foundation has been a truly fantastic opportunity and I whole-heartedly enjoyed the experience of working in such an intellectually stimulating environment. I am extremely grateful to have been given this opportunity and I highly recommend for any future interns to start searching for prospective internships early, and to realise opportunities that come their way.

Part of the PHG Foundation Team in Cambridge

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