Week 1 at RECLAIM

My Charity Insights is at RECLAIM, a relatively new charity based in Manchester. RECLAIM works with young people who have been recognised as talented but may need some support to realise their potential. It encourages communication between young people and adults in communities in Greater Manchester in order to build the confidence and voices of the young people involved. One of RECLAIM’s main tag lines is enabling young people to be heard, be seen and lead change in their communities.

My project is based on research, outreach and evaluation.  I will be running focus groups with some of the previous participants in order to evaluate their projects and give some feedback so changes can be made to the upcoming projects. I will conduct a case study of 2 people from the focus groups to give more of an insight into the impact RECLAIM has had on their life and to highlight where improvements could be made.

So far this week I have been planning the focus groups and contacting some of the young people we want to be involved. I contacted a library and a monastery in Manchester for interesting spaces to run these focus groups. There are also a lot of upcoming events over the summer such as BMXing and picnic’s and music and musuem’s that I am hoping to get involved in. So far a very good start!

Moss Side Boys

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