Derbyshire Wildlife Trust – Week 4

Finished the last week of my internship, it’s been an absolutely amazing experience, I’ve had involvement in multiple different sectors of the wildlife trust and have felt really welcomed into every different department.
This week I’ve done multiple different wildlife based things, on Monday I was invited onto a lichen course to learn more about lichen, and see how we could maybe include it into the school curriculum, it was surprisingly interesting and I think I learnt a lot.

I also did some more work with the midweek volunteers, clearing ragwort out of fields as it is poisonous to live stock.

On Thursday I worked with the wildlife trust running 2 children’s parties, den building and fire building, it was a really easy day and I really enjoyed it.

On Friday morning the Severn Trent water team took me out in the landrovers around the reservoir to clear some paths and teach me about their partnership with the wildlife trust and how they use it to improve conservation onsite, and as it was my last day they took me around the reservoir on the power boat in the afternoon, it was absolutely incredible and was such a perfect end to my internship.

I was really sad to leave, but I don’t think it will be the last time I will see my colleagues as I was invited later on over summer to go on a otter monitoring boat trip which I am really excited for.

I have thoroughly enjoyed  every part of my internship, I’ve loved spending so much time outside, especially since the weathers been so great (only one rainy day) and feel I have really improved my people skills having to deal with parents and teachers so often.

I would recommend charity insights to anyone else thinking of applying because its been such an amazing experience for me.

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