Last week!

Last week!

Lippast week of my internship, mixed feelings. I can’t believe time flies so fast, and I am already at the end of the internship. I am pride of myself that I have managed to come to Oxford on my own and accomplished all the work, and even better, I have learned a lot! This was the first time I did internship outside of study, which gave me an insight into the working of global health institute, and my internship here also allowed me to gain ideas of a branch of research which was very distinct from my PhD study, and this meaningful and interesting internship project has opened a new door for me to think about medical science, which probably w ill be combined to what I have done and am doing to build a big picture of research for me in the future. During the work, I have learnt meta-analysis, and a powerful statistical tool-R programming, which will be very useful in my other research. I like the working environment and experience here, people come from different background-clinicians, engineers, philosophers, statisticians, programmers, etc., to share ideas and work efficiently as a team. Everyone is professional, dedicated and nice, they have given me very warm welcome and goodbye, and I really enjoyed the time working with them. They have taught me a lot, not only on techniques and academia, but also on spirit of working.

The last week, I was still learning R and repeating the R coding from another researcher to better understanding R coding in meta. It was difficult for me since I have had no background of coding, and had to learn from scratch. But I am happy that I picked it up quickly, and already can draw some of the graphs in meta-analysis now.

On the last week, we lunched together and had a nice chat in the sun everyday. On the second last day of my internship, I was invited to attend a birthday celebration of Laure, one colleague in the group, and had a very nice time with the group people at Oxford local pub. On the last day of my internship, we had a very nice cake break for my leaving, my supervisor said thank you for my work, everyone gave me a goodbye and wished me back some time in the future.

Thank you Charity Insigh ts, thank you George Institute to offer me this wonderful and meaningful internship opportunity. I hugely enjoyed it.

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