Week 4 – Final week at TF Willetts Foundation

After 4 weeks at the Thomas Fredrick Willetts Foundation, my internship has come to an end. My final week has been packed full of liaising, research and finalising the projects we’ve been working towards.

So why did I decide to take up a charity insights internship?

I wanted to gain valuable experience in a professional, office environment as well as utilise my skills and knowledge to benefit others. If the insights scheme was not available, then I would have been waitressing tables all summer, which is still valuable work experience but I have been doing this ongoing for two years, having the chance to add something different through the insights scheme is extremely invaluable.

What have I gained from this internship?

I have learned to prioritise tasks set upon me, even at the last minute, and how to handle myself in a professional situation to express my ideas in a coherent way. Also, my researching skills have greatly increased as I have done extensive analysis of why particular social media campaigns have been successful, how to approach the arts philanthropists, and how to manage several social media platforms at once. As well as pick up a few tips from my co-intern Theo when it comes to all things technological.

How has this shaped my future career path?

Personally, being in an office all day every day was very tiring, the days when we went out and filmed the videos and meet new people were definitely the most interesting. I would therefore say that having a job in which I went out and met people or had a balance between being in the office and being out of it would be ideal; as I am sure most people would agree.

Finally, I would like to thank Imperial Insights for supporting me through this internship and providing me with such an invaluable opportunity. I would recommend the scheme to anyone who wants to make a difference with their summer and meet different people.

Thank you

P.S. Here is the last video we made with one of the musicians the charity supports, Giulio Romano, to get his perspective on the charity to help raise awareness of what they do.


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